II. Cellulose Determination; Total Sugar and Uronic Acids
III. Fractionation of Cell Wall Polysaccharides
IV. Methyl Esterification of Uronic Acids
VI. Linkage (methylation) Analysis
VII. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR)
VI. Linkage (Methylation) Analysis
Two days before methylation:
All carbohydrates used should be lyophilized and "fluffy"
1. One mg or less of compound to be methylated should have been freeze-dried
directly in a 15-ml Corex—if not, add it now and then add a dry "flea"
stir-bar. Cover beaker with a Kimwipe and fix with a rubber band. Place the
tubes in vacuum desiccator over fresh P205 (along with a separate supply of
fresh, unpunctured serum sleeve stoppers in a separate, Kimwipe-covered beaker).
Leave desiccated under vacuum for at least 24 h. About 8 samples (4 per beaker)
is the limit per methylation run. More than that becomes unmanageable because
of the importance of expedience during parts of the procedure.
Day of Methylation:
2. Release vacuum on dessicator through tube filled with Drierite. Seal sample
immediately with the serum stoppers while they rest in the dessicator.
3. Turn on vacuum pump. Pierce stopples with an 18-gauge syringe needle connected
vacuum pump by rubber tubing, and evacuate the sample tubes 30 sec each.
4. (Under hood). Let dry Argon run through small Tygon tubing fitted with
a 20-gauge needle (see Appendix) for a few minutes then insert into serum
stopper of dry, distilled DMSO (Pierce). Now put on those dispo gloves.
With a 1-mL gas-tight syringe and extra long needle (precleaned sequentially
with with RBS, water, methanol/or/acetone, and then oven-dry needle and barrel
separated--Don't put piston in the oven because the Teflon seal will
melt), add 1mL DMSO to each sample tube. Because the sample tube is under
vacuum, the DMSO will be sucked into it. Try to aim the stream so most of
it goes right to the bottom rather than running down the sides. Now go wash
out the syringe (Water then acetone is enough from here on) and put it back
in the oven—you'll need it two more times.
5. Place tubes in beaker containing enough water to reach liquid level in
tube. Place beaker in sonic bath, also containing enough water to reach upper
level of liquid in tubes.
6. Sonicate about 1.5 to 2 h (for oligosaccharides, about 1h is enough) until
the bath has warmed to about 50° C and any globs of material have all
broken up. If there are any pesky globs, you can stir them intermittently,
but do NOT vortex them.
7. Remove tubes from sonication, pour out water, and dry outside of the tubes
with Kimwipes. Tape the beaker to the center of a large mag. stirrer. You
should have chosen a beaker so that the tubes (up to four in a 150-mL beaker
or six in a 250-mL beaker) fit snuggly and stand, more or less, upright. Stuff
in some wipes to take up any extra space. You may stir gently. As before,
run some Ar through the Tygon tubings fitted with needles for a few minutes
to ensure that all is dry. Flow should be strong enough to sense on your lips
at a distance of three inches. Insert needle with Ar flow into each tube and
then add a second needle as escape valve. This will keep a steady Ar purge
during the reactions.
8. Insert another needle with Ar flow into the septum of a fresh bottle of
2.5 M n-butyllithium in hexanes. Don't shake up the precipitate on
the bottom of the bottle. It's dirt. Wear those gloves (there's a bottle
of talc near the middle sink to make them easier to re-don). Work carefully
but quickly as you don't want to let water or O2
contaminate the reagent in the syringe. Now turn up the speed on the stir
bars so the DMSO solns are whipped but not spattered. With a clean, dry syringe
(see 4) withdraw 1 mL of butyllithium, and then pull up the needle slightly
into the atmosphere in the bottle and pull up a little Ar until you see the
bubble in the syringe barrel (to get the reagent out of the needle). This
will ensure that the butyllithium will not drip out of the syringe onto the
septum as well as protect it from atmosphere. Make sure you hold the syringe
at the needle connector. If they come apart who knows what might happen.
Pull up and insert into a sample tube all the way to about one inch above
the DMSO. Do not insert into the DMSO or let it spatter on the syringe. Take
a deep breath and add the reagent drop by drop until a milky white cap starts
to form, then stop until it evaporates. Don't let that "white cap"
form or it could spark (not good). A good whipping stir is essential to keep
the cap from forming. Repeat until you have added 0.5 mL of the reagent. Pull
up a little Ar from the purge flow, and go to the second tube and repeat.
(Taking up 1 mL at a time reduces the number of times you must puncture the
septum of the butyllithium reagent. Also punch a new hole each time.). Once
you have finished all the tubes, turn down the speed of the stirrer to a gentle
but rapid rate. Breath a sigh of relief. Now go wash that syringe before
the reagent gels and you end up breaking the glass syringe tip trying to get
the damn needle off. The traces of butyllithium will fizz and smoke in water
so flush profusely. Cram the tip of the barrel into the delivery tubing of
the house dH2O and let water run through the barrel
for a few minutes.
9. The "white cap" evaporates quickly but a faint milky solution
is left which takes about 15 min, depending on how good the flow of Ar is,
to clear. Once clear, the solution will turn a faint yellow (done) to strong
yellow (overdone) to bluish-green (way overdone). For oligomers, shorter is
better than longer (30 min) whereas for polysaccharides, yields can improve
if left for 1 to 1.5 h (starting to turn bluish).
10. Let the CH3I (Mel) from the cold room warm to
room temp. Some applications may require CD3I or
even CH3CH2I Pull the sash
of the fume hood down as this stuff is mutagenic (but it mixes with water
to form relatively inocuous methanol and iodine). How come you don't have
your gloves on! Withdraw 1 mL of Mel with the washed, dry syringe and
insert needle into the first tube. Turn up the stirring speed once again and
add the Mel drop by ever so slow drop into the center of the whirring vortex
until the solution turns colorless. Then add the rest of 0.5 mL. Withdraw
some Ar from the tube atmosphere and repeat with remaining 0.5 mL in tube
2. Repeat until all are done. Recap (but don't tighten—just rest the
cap on the bottle) the Mel each time as it is quite volatile, separate needle
and syringe as it will tend to stick to each other when the Mel evaporates.
Leave the disassembled parts in the hood to evaporate. Remove the Ar and escape
needle from each tube as the Mel will tend to evaporate in the Ar purge as
well. Turn off Ar cylinder now—it's too easy to forget about it. You'll
notice that some gel, etc.; from spattering is still on the walls of the tube.
Grasp all 4 (or 6) tubes in one hand and shake them, or "hand-vortex,"
to now spatter the DMSO-MeI solution on the walls of the tube to wash the
crust down into the mix.
11. Let them stir about 1 h until the solution begin to yellow. How come
you still don't
have your gloves on! With the sash still way down, pop the serum tops
off gently and
throw them into some waste water to quench the Mel. Add about 7 mL of water
via squirt
bottle into the mixture. Reaction dead. Stir vigorously for a few seconds;
and I mean top
speed, and then add 1.5 mL of chloroform (Pasteur pipet-load) and stir additional
10 min. Spin at 3500 rpm for 5 min to separate phases. Pipet off the chloroform
and put it in fresh Corex tube. Really try to avoid transfer of the
still nasty aqueous phase along with the chloroform. Try no to let any flocculent
interface from breaking up into the chloroform phase either. You want to avoid
the interface material too. Repeat extraction with another 1.5 mL of chloroform.
Combine chloroform phases; and wash with 7 to 10 mL of squirt-bottle water
(whatever it takes to even them up for centrifugation) by vigorous stirring
for 10 min and spin. Aspirate off water. Actually; if you are of average deft;
you can pull off the last droplet of water without sucking off too much chloroform.
Do this water wash a total of five times. Transfer the chloroform phase by
Pasteur pipet into fresh 1-dram screw-cap vial and dry down under Ar in N-Evap.
Really try hard to avoid any water again as this takes forever to dry. Cap
with Teflon-lined cap. You now simply go to the ALDITOL ACETATE procedure
and continue. Note: for normal applications, you'll want to reduce
with NaBD4.
All operations with Ar assume that you use an "N-Evap" (Organomation);
a Ar delivery
system with 12 needle-valve-controlled ports with Luer-lock fittings. To make
a flexible
delivery system for Ar; we pull out the needle shaft of a 20-gauge disposible
needle with a pair of pliers and then insert the blunt end snuggly into some
1/16'1 (ID) Tygon tubing; exposing the needle of course. Give yourself about
12 in or so of tubing and slip the other end of the tubing over the needle
end of another 20-gauge dispo needle. Cut the sharp tip off with a tube cutter
and file smooth so that the needle won't puncture the tubing. We use the fitting
to attach the tubing to the N-Evap. We make about 12 at a time.
A. Overview
This method has been around since the time of Fischer, but refinements in methods and the advent of GLC-MS have made the technique one of the most useful methods to determine the linkage structure of oligo- and polysaccharides over the past 30 years. If you can believe it, people used to crystallize individual derivatives first separated by paper chromatography, and then chemically determinal the positions of methyl ethers down the chain. The gist is to make methyl ethers at the free hydroxyl residues, hydrolyze the oligomer or polymer, reduce the anomeric carbon with sodium borodeuteride so that fragments from the top of the derivatives are distinguished from fragments from the bottom, and all remaining hydroxyls are acetylated. After separation of these derivatives by GLC, EIMS easily determines whether each carbon has a methyl and acetyl group. The anomeric and ring carbon always have acetyl groups, but if another sugar was attached to any of the remaining hydroxyl groups it will bear a third acetyl in place of a methyl group.
B. Preparation of Derivatives
C. Separations by GLC
D. Electron-Impact Mass Spectrometry
i. Pentose Structures
a. t - pentafuranose
b. t - pentapyranose
c. 2 - pentafuranose
d. 2, 4 - pentapyranose
i. Nonreducing Terminal Sugars
a.1,5 pentitol
b.1,4 pentitol
c.1,5 hexitol
d.1,5 deoxy-hexitol
ii. Linked and Branched Pentoses
a.1,2,4 pentitol
b.1,3,4 pentitol
c.1,3,5 pentitol
d.1,4,5 pentitol
e.1,2,4,5 pentitol
f.1,3,4,5 pentitol
iii. Linked Hexopyranoses
a.1,2,5 hexitol
b.1,3,5 hexitol
c.1,4,5 hexitol
d.1,5,6 hexitol
iv. Branched Hexopyranoses
a.1,2,3,5 hexitol
b.1,2,4,5 hexitol
c.1,2,5,6 hexitol
d.1,3,4,5 hexitol
e.1,3,5,6 hexitol
f.1,4,5,6 hexitol
v. Hexofuranoses
a.2,5 methyl hexitol
b.1,2,5 methyl hexitol
c.2,5,6 methyl hexitol
d.1,2,5,6 methyl hexitol
vi. Deoxyhexose Structures
a.1,2,5 deoxy-hexitol
b.1,3,5 deoxy-hexitol
c.1,4,5 deoxy-hexitol
d.1,2,4,5 deoxy-hexitol
vii. Alditol Acetates
a.1-deuterio pentitol
b.1-deuterio hexitol
d. inositol hexaacetate
viii. Glycosyl Uronic Acids
a.1,5 methyl hexitol
b.1,4,5 methyl hexitol
c.1,6,6 hexitol hexaacetate
ix. Amino Sugars
a.1,5 methyl hexitol
b.1,4,5 methyl hexitol
c.1,3,5 methyl hexitol
d.1,4,5,6 methyl hexitol
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